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2020年9-12月最新雅思口语题库-- Part2&3



小编:环球教育成都 184



1. Describe a family (not your own) that you like. 你喜欢的一个家庭(新)
2. Describe a person who often helps others. 经常帮助别人的人(新)
3. Describe a person you know who is intelligent 你认识的聪明的人(新)
4. Describe a person who expresses his/her feelings openly 坦率的人(新)
5. Describe a person you know who is full of energy
6. Describe one of your old friends you got in contact again. 重新联系的老友(新)
7.Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise发出噪音的人(新)
8. Describe an old person you know who you respect 尊敬的老人(旧)
9. Describe a friend of yours who is a good leader 有领导力的朋友(旧)
10. Describe a person who you are happy to know 开心认识的人(旧)
11. Describe a person who taught you something important 教你重要东西的人(旧)



1. Describe a time when you used a foreign language for the first time. 第一次使用外语的经历(新)
2. Describe an event you attended in which you didn’t like the music played. 不喜欢里面的音乐的一次活动(新)
3. Describe a time when you received a piece of good news. 好消息(新)
4. Describe a good decision you made recently. 好的决定
5. Describe a time when you forgot to do something important. 忘记重要的事情的经历(新)
6. Describe a prize you once received. 得到的奖励(新)
7. Describe an ambition you want to achieve. 想实现的志向
8. Describe a conversation in which the topic didn’t interest you. 让你不感兴趣的一次对话(新)
9. Describe a time when you saw a child (children )behaving badly. 一次你看到孩子不守规矩的经历(新)
10. Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result(成功的冒险)(新)
10. Describe a long car journey you went on 长途驱车旅行
11. Describe a time when you wasted your time. 浪费时间的经历
12. Describe a time when a family member asked you for help 帮助家人的经历
13. Describe an occasion when you wore the best clothes 盛装出席的经历
14. Describe a time when you were surprised to meet a friend. 意外遇到朋友的经历
15. Describe a time when you got lost in a place you didn’t know about. 迷路的经历
16. Describe a time when you made a mistake 犯错的经历
17. Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result. 冒险的经历
18. Describe a time when you had dinner with your friends. 朋友聚餐的经历



1. Describe a movie you watched that made you laugh.搞笑的电影(新)
2. Describe something (a line or a few words) you remember from a song or a poem. 从歌词或诗词里学到的东西(新)
3. Describe a science area that you are interested in. 感兴趣的科学领域(新)
4. Describe one of your favorite photos. 你最喜欢的照片
5. Describe a book you’ve read that you find useful.
6. Describe a job you would like to do in a foreign country for a short period of time. 短期的工作(新)
7. Describe a film that made you think a lot.
8. Describe a program or app in your computer or phone you often use.常用的软件或应用(旧)
9. Describe a large company that you are interested in.



1. Describe an activity you do occasionally that is a little expensive.  偶尔做的有点贵的运动(新)
2. Describe a tradition in your country. 国家的传统(新)
3. Describe a sport you would like to try for the first time. 想首次尝试的运动
4. Describe an indoor game you liked to play with others in your childhood. 喜欢的室内游戏



1. Describe a public building you enjoyed visiting.
2. Describe a place where you can relax. 放松的地方(旧)
3. Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution.
4. Describe a city you have been to and would like to visit again.
5. Describe a foreign country (culture) you want to know more about.

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