小编:cherry 126 今天环球教育(前身环球教育)小编为正在备考托福写作的烤鸭们带来了一篇优秀的托福写作范文——养宠物的益处,里面的好词好句记得要记住哦。 The issue whetherkeeping pets could benefit children might trigger intense debateamongindividuals. Some might argue that pets could bring both intangible andtangibleadvantages to children, citing the reason that pets might help toexplore the meaning of loveand responsibility. However, from my perspective, iwould disagree with their statement.
First, keepingpets could incur some health problems, because pets are often unhygienicdue tothe rather dirty environment where they were born or raised up, which mightlead to theresult that pets such as kittens or puppies would carry parasitesand potential virus whichthreaten the health of children. Cat hairs mightfloat in the air while fleas might originate frompuppy heads. Even if the petsare born in hygienic or professional clinics, their instinct natureof playingwild would drive them and the homes to be unclean and insanitary which greatlyharmthe healthy growing of children.
Furthermore, petsmight interrupt the studies of children, considering the fact that theirlivelycharacter matches the natural demanding for fun of the children. Running andhidingaround the corners in the house, purring and barking for a touch ofcare, dogs and cats wouldeasily draw the attention from their little ownersand disrupt their focus on a specific anddifficult mathematical question or aconcentration on the development of a composition idea. Toapply the abovepoint further, in a long run, children accompanying their pets would experienceadecline in their academic performance and ruin the prospect of their future.
Admittedly,children do learn the meaning of caring and responsibility from their pets duetothe fact that they have to take time everyday to handle the food, water andshelter for theirbeloved ones. And they could also acquire seemly genuineenjoyment and happiness fromplaying with their pets. But those enjoyment couldbe attained from other safer and simplerways, specifically games or arts,other than pets. The mental benefits such as the sense ofresponsibility andcaring could be narrowed and segmentary because the emotion of animalscannotbe as difficult and sensitive as that of humans. Children might be depressedanddesperate when they find they don’t pay off as they give. The world doesnot operate aschildren do with their pets.
In conclusion, keeping pets would not bring as many benefits as we think to children.Instead,it often ends up doing more harms to them. To ensure the healthy developmentofchildren, we must not let them have their pets.