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小编:Eileen 135

  Part 2



  你现在住在哪里? 你的家乡在哪里? 目前在学习什么?


  What’s your major ? why did you choose the major ?高中最喜欢的科目是啥? 最不喜欢的科目? What’s your strengths and weaknesses in subjects ?

  3.Work / study : future plan

  Do you study or work ? Do you need to work very hard ? what do you after work ?what will u do in the future ?工作之后都是干什么? 你在你家周围做什么?

  4.House / apartment

  Do you live in a house or an apartment ? What can you see of the window ? 还要住多久? 到市中心方便么?Do you others visit your home ? what do you usually do when visitor come ? what events will you do to entertain friends in your home ?


  Which part do you live in China? Do you like where you live ? Would you like to live in south of China in the future ?


  1.neighbor 邻居


  2.pop star 歌星  新题


  Who is your favorite celebrity in China ? Do you like any foreign celebrities ?Would you like to be a celebrity in the future ? Whether we should protect famous person ‘s privacy ? 是否喜欢名人的传记?

  3.jewelry 珠宝   新题


  4.fruits 水果     旧题回归


  5.politeness 礼貌     旧题回归


  6.sunny days 晴天


  7.email 电子邮件    旧题回归


  8.history 历史     旧题回归


  9.Watch  新题

  童年时候有没有收到新的手表作为礼物?小时候喜欢戴手表么?谁给你买的?经常喜欢戴手表么?为什么戴表 ? 你觉得那些人买贵的手表干嘛呢?

  10.Robots  新题

  Are you interested in robots ? why ? Do you like robots to work at your home ? Do you want to take a car which robot is the driver ?机器人未来是否会改变人们生活?


  How often do you eat ,why ? Did you like eating when you were a child ? Have you ever given chocolate as a gift , why ? why People like giving chocolate as a gift ?


  Do you like bags ? what kind of bags do you like ?

  Do you have different bags for different occasions ?

  13.Mirror looking

  你经常照镜子么? 经常买镜子么? 你认为镜子是一个必要的装饰品吗?你会随身带镜子么?

  14.Bring things

  What bring when go out ? bring different things in day and night ? 会什么时候出去》 白天还是晚上? 出去一般做什么?Even forgotten to bring sth.?


  15.TV program

  Do you like watching TV? What’s your favorite TV program ? 喜欢看什么节目? 跟谁一起看?喜欢自己看还是和别人一起? 会不会花太长时间看电视?

  16.Outdoor activities

  你喜欢的户外活动? 你想学的户外活动? 喜欢室内活动?


  音乐乐器难学么?儿童需要有音乐课在学校么? 音乐课对儿童的影响? Do you learn any music instrument ? Do you have any music classes in school ? Do you think it is necessary for children to have music class ?


  你和你朋友业余时间做什么? 你有很多朋友么? 一个最好的朋友好还是很多朋友好? 下课后喜欢做什么? 跟朋友喜欢做什么?Why or why not ? why difficult to meet people hug or kiss or shaking hands , why ?Do you prefer making friends online or making friends in life ? 有外国朋友么?

  19.Public transport

  你有没有曾经用交通工具去哪里? 你常用交通工具上班吗? 未来公共交通工具会流行么?The longest travel you take by public transport ? Will Chinese people use public transport more in the future ? how do you think of public transport ?

  20.Book reading / magazine

  Do you love reading ? Do you prefer to borrow books or buy books ?Do you read E-book?

  21.Advertisement (参考讲义1503)

  22.Birthday (参考讲义1503)

  喜欢庆祝生日吗?怎么庆祝生日?送花作为礼物么? 礼物需要贵重吗?

  23.喜欢什么样的声音? 为啥? 嘈杂的环境中你的感受如何?

  What kind of noise you don’t like ?describe a particular noise you like or dislike ? how you feel about noise when you are working?


  最喜欢的老师是谁? 想做老师么?what qualities a good teacher should have?


  Doyou like shoes ? 会网购鞋子么? 鞋子是好看重要还是舒服重要? 你知道有些人大量购买鞋子么? Will people willing to pay for an expensive shoes ?

  Part 2

  1.a statue or a work of art

  2.an expensive activity you took part in

  3.a piece of clothing you like most

  4.a place you like to visit for a holiday

  5.a couple you know who have a happy marriage

  6.something you want to do but you  have not

  7.an invention that changed the world

  8.a person you know who once solved problems in a clever solution

  9.a TV series you like

  10.a kind of vegetable or plant

  11.an interesting conversation you had with someone you did not know

  12.a place crowded with many people you went to

  13.a big company or organization that  employs lots of people in your city

  14.a family member who you feel proud of

  15.a time when you received a free gift like a free meal or a free movie

  16.a good memory you have about your childhood

  17.an interesting experience you had in your childhood

  18.an occasion when you found all people were laughing

  19.a small city or town you have been to

  20.a change you had

  21.a casual activity you like near the sea

  22.someone who helped you before

  23.a helpful person for your work or study

  24.an English lesson that you enjoyed

  25.a time when you moved to a new home or new school

  26.an experience of eating a special cake

  27.a time when you went for an appointment much earlier than scheduled

  28.an adventurous experience

  29.a sport you like watching

  30.a good thing you knew that happened  to other people

  31.a piece of important equipment

  32.an interesting neighbor

  33.an interesting house or apartment

  34.a place which is famous and popular for swimming

  35.a cafe

  36.a quiet place you want to go to

  37.a polite person

  38.a website that helps you a lot

  39.a decision of someone that you disagreed with

  40.a speech you heard

  41.a well-paid job you think you are good at

  42.a shop (near your home) that was   opened recently

  43.a kind of weather you like

  44.an experience when you spent time with a child

  45.a day you enjoyed in the countryside

  46.a kind of foreign food you once had

  47.an enjoyable wedding ceremony

  48.a book

  49.a plan you have (not related to your  work or study)

  50.an important historical event in your country

  51.a time when you received a good service

  52.something one of your family members did and you felt proud of

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