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Daniel  雅思口语20152月黄金预测题库

各位2月考试的同学,这个月份题目不会再有调整,2月考题比较稳定,某些高频话题和基本信息类题目一般不会有太多变化,在part one里面应该会有一些旧题回归或者是二变一的题目,所以大家一定要精心准备。重点强调在part one话题绝对不要出现大量语法的错误和缺乏逻辑思维的表达哦。part two的话要学会归纳练习,学会将题目串联起来。各位同学辛苦的复习,一定会换来成功的喜悦哦!part three一定要学会延展思维哦!记住第三部分考题一定要多说哦,千万不要说的太短。

Part one     100 %必考话题

1  基本信息类话题(必须准备哦!记住是印象分哦!!!!!!!)第一组为黄金六大考题只有是考口语的同学都会被问到,所以必须精心准备。

1. 黄金题目一:Hometown

(在考场中大多数同学都会问家乡 ,可以谈谈好变化或者是反面也是可以的,好的讲讲城市建设………

Where are you from? Can you introduce your hometown?

Which place do you like to introduce someone to visit in your hometown?

Is your hometown is a good place for young people to live?

2. 黄金题目二:study

Are you working or studying ? Where do you study?

What’s you major in your university?

Do you like your school? Which subject do you like most?

.major/school /subject主要是询问为什么选这个专业,或者是为什么喜欢这个学科,喜欢学校吗?你的小学还记得吗,介绍一下,当时如何上学,学校生活难忘什么?考官还会问问在学校中最喜欢和讨厌的学科,一定要介绍原因哦?


. Living place

Do you live in a flat or a house?

Who do you live withhow long have you been lived here

What are the differences between where you live in now and where you have lived in the past

What is there on the wall of your home?

What can be seen outside the windows of your place?

Do you like your living environment?

Is it good or bad for children?

Is there anything for improvement?

4. 黄金题目四:Name

What is your full name? How should I address you?

Does your name have any special meaning or significance?

Have you ever changed your name? Why or why not?

5.黄金题目五:friends family

Do you have many close friends

What qualities make them good friends

Do you live with your family

Do you think family members should live together

What do you do with your family or friends?有可能单独问哦,所以答案要分开准备为妙。

Do you prefer to spend time with your family or friends

when did you meet your friends last time?

6.黄金题目 六:season

What is your favorite season or time of year? [why?]

How does the weather change during the year in your country?

What free time activities do you do at different times of the year? [why?]

Would you prefer to live in a place with different seasons or in a place with the same weather all the time? [why?]

part one 高频和新话题:


1. Do you like to watch the sky?

2. Do you like the sky during the day or night?

3.Where is the best place to watch stars?

1. Shoes (新题必考)

1.     DO  you  have a lot of shoes

2.   In terms of shoeswhich is more important to youthe look or comfort

3.    Do you have any favorite shoes

4.   Do you like to buy shoes onlinewhy

2Teacher (旧题变新)

1.     Do you like your teachers

2.   How do you feel about your teachers

3.    Did your teachers help you


1. What is the importance of concentration?

2. Under what circumstances can you be easily distracted?什么情况你容易分神。

3.Is it easy to be with concentration? 精力集中是否容易?

4.what times in your life do you need to concentrate on doing sth

5.Can people deal with two different things at the same time? 人可不可以一心二用?


How do you spend your holiday?

Do you think people need holidays?

When did you spend your last holiday?

What did you do during your last holiday?

What do you like or dislike to do during the holidays?

Do you think that you have enough holidays?

Do you like travelling?

How often do you go travelling?


Do you like visiting natural place

What are well-known natural attractions in your country

Have you ever gone camping

What are the benefits of learning nature

How do city kids in your country have contact with nature


Do you often visit a museum?

Are there any famous museums in your hometown/country?

Do you think museum should be free?


Are you afraid of wild animals?

Do you have a pet? Do you like having a pet?

Why do some people like raising a pet?

What’s your favorite zoo

Have you ever been to zoo

What are the benefits for children to go to the zoo?动物园要注意哦,提问的可能性超级的大


9)汽车话题car/ driving

Do you like driving? Why?

Which kind of transport do you usually use?

Do you think there are too many cars on the road?

Are there any traffic problems in your city?

(10)     TV program

Do you like watching TV?

What kind of program do you like best?

How long do you watch TV for in a day?

Is it good for children if they watch too much TV?

What kind of TV program did you like to watch when you were a kid?

(11) . Photography

Do you like taking photos?

On what kind of situations do you take photos?

Could you tell me one of your happy experiences of taking photos?

(12) Advertisement

家乡的广告多吗,你怎么看广告,你容易受到广告的影响吗      Do you like advertisements on TV?

What kind of advertisement do you like most?

Are there many advertisements in your city?

Where can we see advertisements?

Do advertisements influence your choice about what you buy?

What sorts of advertisements leave deep impression on people?

(11) Food & Cooking

   What‘s your favorite dish

   Who is the best cook among the people around you

   Who cooks in your family

   Do you like cooking

   Is it necessary for everyone to learn to cook Why


 Do you do much houseworkWhat housework do you like to do

What housework did you do when you were a child

Do you think children should do housework

Do you think people like doing housework by themselves

(13) Toy难题


(14) History 难题


(15) weather

What's the weather usually like in your hometown?

What season do you like best? What do you do in that season?

What’s your favorite weather

What do you usually do during your favorite weather



Do you enjoy writing by hand? [why/why not?]

Is your handwriting easy or difficult for other people to

read? [why?]

Do you like receiving handwritten cards and letters? [why/why not?]

Do you think you can find out about someone’s personality from their handwriting?

(17) park


18have a break

Do you often take short breaks when you’re working or studying? [why/why not?]

What do you usually do when you take a break? [why?]

Have you ever had a short sleep when taking a break? [why/why not?]

How do you feel after taking a break? [why?]


What public holidays do you have in your country?

Which public holidays do you like the most?

What did you do in the last public holiday?

Do you prefer doing things indoors or outdoors on a holiday?

In your country, do old people usually do the same things as young people during a holiday?

What family holidays do you usually celebrate?

Do you think it's important to have public holidays?

Do you think there should be more public holidays in your country?


Have you received or sent out a lot of gifts?

On what occasions do people like giving gifts in China?

Do you think it’s difficult to select a gift?

What’s the most impressive gift you got?

Is it important to give gifts between friends?


Do you prefer emails or letters? Why

Do you prefer phone calls or emails?

How often do you write emails or letters? To whom?

Will emails replace letters in the future


Do you like travelling?
Where do you like to go when you go traveling?
Have you ever traveled for a long time? = Have you (ever) been on any long trips?
Do you like long trips?
would you say your country welcomes travelers

(23) weekday

Which is the day you like most in a week?

What do you often do on it?

Do you do the same thing on it every week?

Which is the day you hate most in a week? Why?

What do you usually do on weekends?


Do you like reading?

What do you like reading?

What kind of places is good for reading?

Do you like to read alone or with friends?

25. collection

Do you like to collect things? Why?

What do you usually collect?

Where do you get those collections?

What do you think of the habit of collecting things?

26. sleeping

How long do you sleep everyday? Do you think it’s enough?

How long do you think people should sleep everyday? Why?

How long do you think old people should sleep?

Do you think a nap during lunch time is beneficial?

27. clothes

What kind of clothes do you usually wear?

Do you choose different clothes now from the past?

Will you buy clothes in the same color?

Do you plan to get any designer clothes?

Part 2 Part two


1.   describe a person who is good at cooking

2.  describe an important job in your country

3.  describe an ambition you have not achieved yet 描述未成的心(新

4.  describe a happy family event in your childhood可以合婚礼这个话题,但是要强儿时参加的婚

5.  describe a shopping experience that you experiencedpart one 的素材

6.  describe a toy in your childhood

7.  describe an interesting thing that you learn from the internet

8.  P2:描述一最近做project中的收

9.  describe a subject you didn’t like before but you like it now

10.       describe a good leader 讲义里面的family business 素材

11. describe a good news

12. describe  a  book  you  read

13. describe a person i don’t like but have to be friendly to

14.       - describe the time you enjoy with groups讲义里面用到的team project

15. Describe an APP that you think is useful (新讲义里面的website那道目改一下就可以

16.       描述一去了想再去一次的地方,请结合海那道

17. describe a tv program

18.Describe a situation you borrowed sth from others(新

19. Describe a beautiful or handsome person可以介绍自己熟悉的人

20. describe a historical city that you have been

21. Describe a long time traffic jam that you experienced

22.describe an unusual building如果有特殊强,可以用任何一个讲义里面于建筑的答案哦

23.describe a film you want to watch it again想再看一遍的影,讲义里面的foreign film

23. Describe a situation you borrowed sth from others(新

24.describe a surprise you have had

25.describe a person who you don’t like but have to be friendly to

26.describe a time you lost your way

27.describe a place you remember going to that is full of colours可以结合海边这个素材

28.describe a family member you like to work with请结合答案素材 an old person

29.describe a situation that others didn’t tell you the truth or when you told a lie可以谈谈讲述善意谎言的经历

30.describe a song you remembered in your childhood

31.describe a vehicle you want to buy讲义里面有这题的素材

32.describe sth you want to buy in the future结合32题的答案素材,各位请注意时态

33. describe an exciting sport

34.describe a foreign city you would like to visit

35.describe a school friend you remembered well

36.describe an interesting animal

37. describe something you do that is good for your health.

38.describe a prize you that you want to win

39.describe a good law in your country

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