小编:小棉袄 1962015年7 月25 日雅思阅读机经考题回忆 ——来自环球天下教研中心 | ||||
Passage Two | 新旧情况 | 题材 | 题目 | 题型 |
14228 | 农业类 | An alternative approach of farming in Honduras | 摘要填空5 配对题6 多选题2 | |
文章大意: 洪都拉斯(Honduras)雨林的新农耕 | ||||
参考答案: 14-19 段落信息配对题 14. why does the previous mode of farming need constantly changing places?——A (村庄周围的土地资源早已枯竭,农民不得不长途跋涉2-3小时到山上去工作) 15. the new working mode does not care who the operator is.——F (农业可以让所有家庭成员都参与,并解释了为什么) 16. a kind of material that must be added——F (inexpensive nitrogen, cook fuel) 17. how the new mode of farming (IAC) imitates the process of forest.——D (一个人发明了这种农耕方式,并说明在自然状态下树叶自然掉落在地上以后可以为土壤增加养分) 18. why farmers have to continue the unattainable farming on the infertile land——B (因为土地稀缺) 19. a description of the cost of using this new approach of planting crops——C (需要分离出一部分土地来中暑,并且要等树长成但不会影响农民的生计)
20-24 摘要填空题 The government and Dr. Hans promoted the approach of shifting agriculture and recycling of fertilizers without too much attention, because it is lack of light so that weeds and grass will not survive. The pruned branches would be put on the ground to form a thick layer of decomposing leaves. The crops would get nutrients from the holes. This approach poses no risk on farmers’ livelihood.
25-26 多选题 What are the benefits of new approach of farming? A. More family members are involved B. This technology will increase new species of local plant C. The same land can be recycled D. The new approach requires more labor than the traditional one |
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